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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 27, 2011

gonal F vs puregon

rupanye ader byk jenis ubt tuk buat iui nie. ok..sebenarnye aku bajet aku akan dpt puregon instead of gonal-F. dua2 nie adalah follicle stimulation drugs = FSH hormone. tp mesti ader beza kan?

yg nie aku copypaste dari satu blog. tq for the info. nie perbezaannye :

PUREGON: Follitropin beta belongs to a class of medications called gonadotropins. Follitropin beta contains a hormone similar to the human hormone, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). For assisted reproductive technology procedures, the usual initial dose is 150 IU to 225 IU daily.

GONAL-F: Follitropin alpha belongs to the class of medications called gonadotropins. It is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that helps egg development in the ovaries. Doses usually range from 75 IU to 450 IU (5.5 µg to 33 µg) per day. For Assisted Reproductive Technologies, therapy with Gonal-f® should be initiated in the early follicular phase (cycle day 2 or 3) at a dose of 150 IU per day. Treatment is usually started at a dose of 150 IU or 225 IU (depending on your circumstances) once a day. Usual range is 150-300. Doses larger than 450 IU of FSH per day are not routinely recommended.

PUREGON vs. GONAL-F: Both of these medications are made from highly purified human Follicle Stimulating Hormone prepared by recombinant DNA technology. Both are non-urinary products and contain only FSH. There is no LH component. Meanwhile, two published direct comparisons between both follitropins (Tulppala et al., 1999 ; Harlin et al., 2000 ) justify the conclusion that the slight differences between the two molecules do not have any clinical significance

kesimpulan : guna gonal-F atau puregon, success rate dia adalah sama.

nie puregon :

nie gonal F (aku pakai nie) :ok camne gonal F berfungsi?
gonal F = FSH hormon. FSH nie meningkatkan jumlah
follicles dan stimulates their development dalam ovari. dalam folikel nie ada telo
yer. kalau ingt blaja biologi dulu2, tiap2 bln kan kite ader satu telo. telo nie kalau xdisenyawakan akan turun jd darah haid. tak ingt? sila ingt :P tp gonal f nie, instead of 1 telo, dia akan bantu tuk hasilkan byk telo, so cerah skit harapan. camtuh :)

IUI - G0nal F

25.5.2011 = 1st day period. call tuk appointment dgn doktor mlm tuh. tuk bincang2. nk tau ok x tarikh procedure dgn schedule kitorang. kalau ikut kiraan, rsnye xde masalah. lepas bincang2 + tgk tarikh, kitorang rs bersedia tuk buat iui. lps tuh, doktor nk scan plak. wpon period 1st day (drh byk), doktor masih perlu utk buat scanning kt V. utk tgk kilang telur. xde masalah. ok.

lepas discuss dgn doktor, ader briefing dgn nurse plak. dia tjkkan cara nk pakai ubat dan bahagian yg perlu di inject. ubt nie kene simpan dalam peti ais yg bawah (bkn tmpt beku).

so cost harinie :
scan bwh + consultation = rm 100 (fuhh)
gonal- F = RM 540
total = RM 640

injection setat hari ke 3- hari ke 7.
dos gonal F = 75ml
CD8 (1/6/2011) = scan telur
kalau xde masalah, procedure iui = 3/6/2011

so..harinie adalah hari ke 3 period. dah kene setat injection. hari jumaat. ambil berkat jumaat :)
fakta : ubat nie kene cucuk pagi. masa mesti sama. cth kalau cucuk pukul 7pg, besok kene cucuk pukul 7pg jugak.

dan ini adalah rutin pukul 7pg kami sampai la 31/5/2011 nnti. ni bkn aku :) :

gonal F ni fungsi dia macam syringe and needle. xsakit.
ok jer :)
doakan yer :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

next step please

rabu, 18/5
lama btol x g T.MC. da comel skit da :)

harinie punyer app0intment cuma utk consultation. next step : IUI.
doktor ckp details akan dibriefing masa amik ubat nnti.takut kalau briefing harinie, nnti time nk buat da lupa. so, baik time nk amik ubat tuh dia briefing aje. senang. waktu period 1st day call utk dorang prepare ubt. tp macam ader kemungkinan xbuat la cycle akhir bln ni :(

procedure : hari ke 10 kene scan. hari ke 12 kene buat I.UI prosedur.

kalau ikut kiraan (mungkin), 2 tarikh penting nie aku xde kt jb. kat s.eremban. kan abg aku sorang tuh nk kawen. camne nk buat? xkan xg kawen abg sendiri kot? xmungkin.

xper la..tgk period camne dulu. kalau hari ke 10@ ke 12 xde kt jb. redha je la. kene tunggu next cycle la jwpnye... :)